Alexander Rho

Former Second Lieutenant of The Maelstrom. Currently employed by The Star's Herald newspaper. Primarily a Summoner and a Disciple of the Land, Alex seeks to find balance between work and play while trying to build a brighter future for himself and any he would call his friends.

More About Alexander

Alexander Rho is a friendly, though at times introverted, man always in search of friends, good times, and opportunities to help those that are less fortunate. He's loyal to his friends, honest to a fault, and his desire to form strong bonds with people sometimes backfires on him.The greatest lesson he continues to learn is that moderation in all things is important.Like a number of adventurous souls, there is a past he bears which is known to only a trusted few, and a desire in the back of his mind to answer questions that still linger from years past.

In his own words...

Where to begin?
When I first introduced myself to you, I might have jokingly said that my name was no relation to the Primal, Alexander. That is not -entirely- true.
Over a year ago, I woke up in the Dravanian Forelands, half alive on a ledge overlooking the massive Primal. There were large gaps in my memory.
I was found by an adventurer from Limsa, who with the help of a couple of her friends restored my health. I couldn't recall how I ended up in Dravania. The name "Rho" lingered on my thoughts, but it didn't feel entirely right to me as my true name.
Hence, the moniker given to me by my rescuers of Alexander Rho, though to be honest I've taken more of a liking to being called "Alex" for short, thanks to some recent encounters.
---With the aid of my rescuers, I was brought to Limsa, where they gave me a small helping hand and welcomed me to their Free Company. A small, quiet bunch, I don't know what I would have done without them. Their kindness and generosity is something I hoped to emulate myself, in time.
I chose the path of an adventuring arcanist, eventually learning the arts of summoning egis. With numerous threats plaguing Eorzea as a whole, I applied my talents as a member of The Maelstrom, and quickly rose through the ranks... though I wish I could say I felt I earned the promotions.
---As someone who had an inherent knack for the summoning arts, the Maelstrom was eager to have me amongst their number. I provided what insight I could, which proved helpful during their reconnaissance of the primal threat. There were... other reasons that I quickly rose through the ranks, but that's a more private story.What is important is that recently, I found myself at a crossroads where I asked myself if I was applying myself in the right place to the best of my ability, and whether or not my position could put certain relationships in jeopardy down the road.After weeks of contemplation and a few visits to seers and fortune tellers, I made the request to be honorably discharged from Maelstrom Command, and it was granted without question. The Admiral would still like me to consult with them on an independent basis, and I'll certainly consider it...But for now, my path often takes me to Shirogane, the location of my current residence and a business where I can apply the skills I gained during my time as an intelligence officer, but in a manner that I hope can benefit all of Eorzea, not just Limsa.This is one chapter in my story, and it's time to turn another page.


Body Type : Average, lacking muscle tone
Skin Tone : Fair skinned
Hair Color : Brown
Eye Color : Blue
Height : 5 fulms, 9 ilms
Accent : Limsan
Dominant Hand : Right


Rho#5281 on Discord